Had some weirdness with a match not completing properly that we'll need to investigate, but looks like the schedule is still on track. On deck are the following outfits for PTS today. #planetside2
@00P4ndamonium Thanks. We might be able to get that turned off for tomorrow.
@CAMIKAZE78: What's the best way to get a weekend started? I'm thinking it's a cheeky little bit of @planetside2!
Come stop by for some…
@Vertigo101 @planetside2 For sure. Hopefully we'll get the tech to support 1v1 gameplay proper some day.
@CMDRCyrious: Special Guest @DBG_Bishop will be on the Cyrious News Network tonight to chat about @planetside2 and Digital Art. Stop on…
Soldiers, enlist now for our final Outfit Wars PTS playtest!
Enlistment ends TONIGHT at 11:59pm PST, with matches running Friday-Sunday.
One last push before OW hits Live! 🌏🔜🌑 📅
🔫s & 🦮s with @DBG_Bishop https://twitter.com/CMDRCyrious/status/1357454711847145472
Special Guest @DBG_Bishop will be on the Cyrious News Network tonight to chat about @planetside2 and Digital Art. Stop on by, say hi, and send questions during the stream to @CMDRCyrious . Tune in here: https://t.co/uZxllwnLbs https://t.co/Odn8utDuPX
@Huttbroker: @WrelPlays Did make Vanu [VS21] and TR [TR21] Test outfits for people to join and help test out the outfit wars for those w…
@WrelPlays: We had to bounce our Test Server just a moment ago to fix some weirdness with the Outfit War. Should be good now though, you…
We had to bounce our Test Server just a moment ago to fix some weirdness with the Outfit War. Should be good now though, you can Enlist all through today for the big war this weekend. :) #planetside2
@Zyr0sPS We’ll give it a look. Thank you.
@Huttbroker If this test goes well, we'll be using a 6-round schedule on Live to follow.
Alright. Round two. Outfit Wars is a go for this weekend, Enlistment starts tomorrow. #planetside2
ALERT: Outfit Wars 2.0 are back on schedule! 🌑 Big thanks to all who helped us verify last weekend's issue. A NEW compressed 3-round OW match schedule will run on PTS this weekend. Enlist for free on the Test Server starting tomorrow, Thurs Feb 4! 📅 https://t.co/ARb9qVSc4K https://t.co/XLqNtGIOCx
ALERT: Outfit Wars 2.0 are back on schedule! 🌑
Big thanks to all who helped us verify last weekend's issue. A NEW compressed 3-round OW match schedule will run on PTS this weekend. Enlist for free on the Test Server starting tomorrow, Thurs Feb 4!
REMINDER: Emerald (PC NA East) will come down in 1 hour at 11pm EST for maintenance. Apologies for the evening window - we don't control the timing of datacenter maintenances, and will work to get the game back up asap.
This maintenance will not impact any other server regions.
@AndreasKaalund @planetside2 That's pretty cool. Great work!
@AndreasKaalund: Sunday afternoon The 95th Scourge Squadrong hit 100 Bastion kills since Escalation came out, it's been a fun time. @pla…