So... not actually sure what this screenshot is from, or if it's an optical illusion from an incoming rocket, but we're not planning on adding another flamethrower at the moment. In other news, there's also downtime tomorrow. #planetside2
ALERT: All PC servers will come down tomorrow, Thurs, Nov 5, at 7am PT (4pm CET) for a new game update. Downtime ~2 hours. Sanctuary has been exorcised 👻 plus new campaign and mission fixes 🔧 ✒️
PS4 players - a new patch with various Logs, Vchat, and other fixes and improvements is available now. No downtime required.
We just published a new client-only update to #planetside2 PS4 (NA/EU regions) that includes the new Outfit Logs screen, Vivox vchat settings additions, improved Mentor/Newbie chat accessibility, Cert Horn FX fix and additional improvements to reduce crashes. No server downtime.
Login servers are up and active - platform maintenance is ongoing but should not block you from getting in game.
ALERT: PC *login* servers will undergo maintenance tomorrow, Tues, Nov 3, starting at 10am PT (7pm CET). Servers will stay up, but players won't be able to login for the first 30-60m of this 2-hour maintenance (you won't be kicked if you're already in).