@scorcher646 @RoguePlanetSD We actually just moved. I'll let you know once we're setup to accept deliveries.
@CAMIKAZE78 Check your DMs
Excellent montage video from @DurakeRobinson! #planetside2
@planetside2: ALERT: PC *login* servers will undergo maintenance tomorrow, Tues, Nov 3, starting at 10am PT (7pm CET).
Servers will sta…
ALERT: PC *login* servers will undergo maintenance tomorrow, Tues, Nov 3, starting at 10am PT (7pm CET).
Servers will stay up, but players won't be able to login for the first 30-60m of this 2-hour maintenance (you won't be kicked if you're already in).
@SergeantSov: I'm live again, and in a real weird mood! Gonna take this energy and deathmarch until I can't anymore on @planetside2! Cli…
Uhhh I'm addicted again... Doin' it to em' in @planetside2 Connery // TR https://t.co/Tn4KpfvcfF https://t.co/Ubz14Azk6R
@AmicusFIN @AndySites Change did actually go in, despite not being mentioned in the patch notes... but looks like it's not working for Live characters. We're taking a look right now.
@zpleat: @AndySites @planetside2 Thanks, I logged in during my lunch break and was able to complete it in about 10 minutes.
Maintenance is complete and all servers are unlocked. Thanks for your patience, soldiers!
REMINDER: All PC servers will come down for maintenance in 1 hour at 7am PT (4pm CET). Expected downtime is 2 hours. https://t.co/EbGUVSmLSw
REMINDER: All PC servers will come down for maintenance in 1 hour at 7am PT (4pm CET). Expected downtime is 2 hours.
@AndySites: Notes for tomorrow's PC patch have been posted - #planetside2
Notes for tomorrow's PC patch have been posted - #planetside2
ALERT: All PC servers will come down for maintenance tomorrow, Monday, November 2, at 7am PT (4pm CEST). Downtime is estimated at 2 hours. Patch notes to follow later today.
@Xtimelord1997X You’ll be seeing more War Correspondent in the future!
@CAMIKAZE78: It's a brand new week, and you can bet your behind that we are getting it started Auraxis style!
Come hang for some good v…
@FirefistGolDAce Our mistake! Monday at 4pm CET 😀
Fixes for Chapter 1 incoming. Collecting patch notes to share shortly.
ALERT: All PC servers will come down for maintenance tomorrow, Monday, November 2, at 7am PT (4pm CEST). Downtime is estimated at 2 hours.
Patch notes to follow later today.
@CAMIKAZE78 Let me see if Ops can take a look. Thanks for the heads up.