The @planetside2 community has helped us reach over $30,000 in fundraising for @ExtraLife4Kids. We want to give a big thank you to everyone who has donated thus far and a special thank you to everyone who has helped organize community events and livestreams. ⛑️💓
@Game_Dev_Carto: 🔴TIME CORRECTION🔴
This weekend, starting at 9PM (not 6) PST on Friday, we start our yearly 24 hour stream for @ExtraLi…
Well done, everyone! Our community is mighty. #planetside2
You say "donate!" We say "how much?" $30,000.00 raised for #EXTRALIFE by the @planetside2 community. $10,622 raised by @CAMIKAZE78, $8948 raised by SKL, $5320 from @RoguePlanetSD, $2008 from @JamesTheMuppet_, $1586 from @ArsheeTv, and more from @2RAF_Official and @CMDRCyrious.
@WrelPlays: This is happening right meow! Jump into Arshee's stream and help raise money for the kids: #planetsi…
This is happening right meow! Jump into Arshee's stream and help raise money for the kids: #planetside2
Super Excited to announce we are raising money for @ExtraLife4Kids #EXTRALIFE on Oct 31st! @RoguePlanetSD and @DaybreakGames have reached out to our team to work towards a common goal! Thanks to TheSalamander organizing Server: Cobalt! Game: @planetside2 Check the outfit list👀
@CAMIKAZE78: I'm speechless. I'm in shock. I've been sitting here for a few minutes trying to make sense of what we just accomplished. O…
@CAMIKAZE78 @RoguePlanetSD @ExtraLife4Kids @planetside2 @DaybreakGames Great job! Pretty crazy.
Amazing! Thank you and your viewers! Well done. 👍
I'm speechless. I'm in shock. I've been sitting here for a few minutes trying to make sense of what we just accomplished. Our first ever #charity stream on #YouTube. Thank you, everyone. This is what content creation is about.
@CAMIKAZE78: Ladies and gentlemen, we are live. 12 hours of @planetside2, all dedicated to raising funds for @ExtraLife4Kids.
Can we r…
@JeremiahJtm @SokaarL @ExtraLife4Kids @radychildrens
@CAMIKAZE78: Tomorrow, we go live for our @ExtraLife4Kids Charity Stream. 12 Hours of @planetside2 gaming while raising funds for an ama…
@planetside2: The #PlanetSide2 community is the best! We underestimated the power of our community, let's keep going, and shoot for $20k…
The #PlanetSide2 community is the best! We underestimated the power of our community, let's keep going, and shoot for $20k for @ExtraLife4Kids @radychildrens Learn more here:
@SokaarL: Well, @WrelPlays... we'll see you Planetside. $5650 raised for #EXTRALIFE @ExtraLife4Kids. #planetside2 @planetside2 https://t…
@SokaarL @ExtraLife4Kids @CMDRCyrious @RoguePlanetSD @2RAF_Official
@SokaarL @ExtraLife4Kids @CMDRCyrious @RoguePlanetSD @2RAF_Official Thank you all! Vanu smiles upon you. ⛑️👍
@SokaarL: Together, we've successfully crossed the Rogue Planet Games $15,000.00 goal for #EXTRALIFE. An incredibly huge thanks to every…