Fun (and educational) video from Axil. These are so well done. Love seeing content like this: #planetside2
@CAMIKAZE78: Well, today's the day. Today we celebrate 9 years of content creation on YouTube with a dedicated 12 hour live stream!
@ItZMuRdA Pretty good, pretty good. Hope things are going your way :)
Team has been working on some amazing stuff behind the scenes. Can’t wait to share it with you all when the time is right :D (I’m so freaking exciteddddd.) #planetside2
Support classes can turn the tide of battle! Which support grenade do you find more useful? Let us know what you think! #PlanetSide2
@CMDRCyrious: Video Release - Extra Life Fundraising Pre-Game - Good Old Fashioned Shoot Em' Up in Planetside.
We have 21 team members raising funds for children’s health. Some helpers include @CAMIKAZE78, @ArsheeTv, and @CMDRCyrious. Learn how you can help us reach our goal of raising $15k by clicking here: @radychildrens @ExtraLife4Kids
Thanks for joining us! Happy to have you aboard! ⛑️
I just raised $25.00 USD for my local children’s hospital through #EXTRALIFE. Donate today and help me reach my goal:
PC and PS4 servers are online. Read today's hotfix details here: PC Details: PS4 Details:
PS4 servers are online. Read today's hotfix details here: PS4 Details:
🚨New Hotfix tomorrow.🚨 🗒️Large continents unlock when reaching 150+ players 🗒️Koltyr alert rewards, fixes and more! PC Details: PS4 Details: PC: 10/20 6am PT (3pm CEST) ~ 3Hr Downtime. PS4: 10/20 8am PT (5pm CEST) ~ 2Hr Downtime
@Godimas101 @planetside2 Yessssss.
@Godimas101 @planetside2 I was wondering how long it'd take before the first one hit.
It's #PS2Mugshot! They say the eyes are the windows to the soul. 👻 Draw, paint and color a face onto these templates! #PlanetSide2
@SoloCOD4 This is in part due to low server population. What server are you playing on?
@SoloCOD4 Continent rotation depends on server population at the time of playing. We are reviewing player sentiment about this however.