All PC servers will come down for a new game update on Wednesday, February 17, at 4:30am PT (1:30pm CET). Downtime for each update is expected to last up to 6 hours.
AF-34 Mattock (NC MAX Anti-Infantry Weapon)
- Reverted pellet count from 4 to 3.
- Max damage from 100 to 112.
- Min damage from 75 to 92.
Dev Note: Overall this walks back some of the damage that was given in the last update, while still leaving it in a better state than it was prior to that.
Misc. Changes, Fixes, and Additions
- Fixed a potential zone crash related to character resource management.
- Flash XS-1 Schematic can no longer be purchased multiple times.
- Ammunition Towers no longer repair MAX units or deployables.
- Fixed a typo in the "Matchmaker: Adventure" mission.
Outfit Wars Cleanup
- Resolved a UI bug causing queued Outfits to shuffle their placement when pending enlistment to Outfit Wars....
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