
Planetside Dev Tracker

12 Jan

    jgolenbo on Forums - Thread - Direct
All PC servers will come down for maintenance tomorrow, Tuesday, January 12, 2021, at 6am PST (3pm CET). Downtime is expected to last up to 2 hours. --- Tomorrow's update introduces potential performance improvements released on PTS last week. These code changes apply better multi-thread support when new trackable objects (like players, NPCs, or projectiles) are introduced within your proximity range. The impact for the player should result in less "server lag" in large-scale battles. We'll be monitoring live servers closely after the patch, so please let us know if you run into any issues (we'll leave this thread open for comments/feedback).

11 Jan

08 Jan

07 Jan

06 Jan

    jgolenbo on Forums - Thread - Direct
All PC & PS4 servers will come down at the following dates/times for a new game update: PC: Wednesday, January 6, at 6am PST (3pm CET) PS4: Thursday, January 7, at 8am PST (5pm CET) Downtime for each update is expected to last up to 2 hours. Full patch notes below. --- Misc. Changes, Fixes, and Additions
  • Fixed an animation issue with players moving while shooting semi-automatic weapons.
  • Fixed an issue with NSO banners not working properly.
  • Fixed several issues with banners displayed on the death screen.
  • Rephrased "Training: Heavy Assault" mission's vehicle damage objective description.
  • The Auraximas holiday event has ended, and Sanctuary is ready for the new year.

04 Jan

01 Jan

31 Dec

    /u/Wrel on Reddit - Thread - Direct

Originally posted by zani1903

Fully agree.

Both bugs aren't rare either. They happen multiple times, not just per week or day, but per hour of gameplay.

Anyone using a semi-automatic weapon, or even bolt-action weapons is warping all over the f**king place and it's quite shameful that a bug this impactful on gameplay has been allowed to stick around.

Especially considering it's a 100% pure advantage to the """exploiter""", as they themselves don't have their screen teleporting left to right. And also that this isn't something you have to go out of your way to produce. This happens reliably, without you even being aware it's happening.

Hijacking the top comment to chime in.

The semi-auto strafing issue is currently our animator's top priority. Our animator started around summer-ish of this year or thereabouts. Having to take on an entirely new pipeline that uses older technology (Morpheme is no longer developed,) and deal with the mess that is our animation network, has taken some time. He's been ramping up for the past few months and is able to take on some of the more problematic tasks now, like the side-strafing issues.

Regarding the "without any recognition from the developers" usually comes down to missing when it was actually acknowledged, which for this particular issue, was quite some time ago. The med-tool/repair-tool issues have been in the game for even longer, quite a few years at this point.

We've solved a large list of long-standing issues this year, and 2021 should be even better for it, as part of our focus is revisiting a lot of what was "left hanging" due to lack of devel...

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