
Planetside Dev Tracker

13 Nov


I've received word that this has been fixed. If you've been unable to patch/login over the past few days, please try now and let me know if you're still unable. I've also been unable to login since Thursday morning and I'm able to now.



External link β†’

Originally posted by nat3s

Patcher doesn't work, gives me a socket error after getting 1mb into the download.

I'm from London, UK if it's relevant, ironically in the Docklands area which is near one of the big hops into the UK so you must have some super funky routing going on lol

The patcher issue is unrelated this this, but is actively being worked on as well with the CDN provider (Highwinds) that caused the problem.


Hey everyone,

If you've been encountering server/network connection quality issues with the EU region servers (Cobalt/Miller/Ceres), please let me know if you notice any changes today - better/worse/no change.

Based on the feedback we've been receiving and tracerts that I've been sent from various players throughout Europe/RU, there have been some fairly measurable routing and connection issues between players and the data center where our servers are housed.

The Ops team has been working on moving over to a new circuit with a different provider that we believe offers much cleaner routing and more reliable connection quality into our data center. The switchover just happened a few hours ago, so if you are able to login now or anytime today/this weekend, please reply and let me know if you notice any changes.

To be clear, this is not a one-and-done change. Some players might see an improvement, some could even see a decline, but we believe that ...

Read more External link β†’

12 Nov

11 Nov


I'm contacting Daybreak Ops team to investigate now. Hopefully this is something that can quickly be resolved. Will be posting updates on twitter.