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ago -
The Battle of Polytopia Official
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Transcript (by Youtube)
0s | [Music] |
3s | in a Barren land of rocks and shrubs a |
6s | particularly resourceful people thrive |
9s | their Caravans Meandering over dunes and |
11s | Roads serving as economic lifelines |
13s | across the square these people are the |
15s | yadak a race of friendly nomadic |
18s | Merchants who inhabit the Ki plants food |
21s | Treasures supplies and more flow from |
24s | their many trade hubs along the |
25s | sprawling network of roads and into the |
28s | hands of other popian tribes all for a |
31s | reasonable price of course like the |
34s | Luxor the yadak are all about economics |
37s | but unlike the Luxor they're not stingy |
39s | about it the yadak are a simple folk who |
42s | like good stories a good drink and a |
44s | good friend to share them with they tend |
46s | to get along fairly well with the other |
48s | tribes more or less despite the |
51s | occasional trade dispute now and then |
54s | polytopians far and wide are always |
56s | delighted to see those cute little |
57s | fezzes on the horizon and the managerie |
60s | of Goods they bring with them so what |
63s | started their trade Empire nomadic yadak |
65s | families and clans would often migrate |
68s | in search of food and water and over |
70s | time these groups started founding trade |
71s | hubs in regions of high activity as the |
74s | yadak expanded Pathways were created |
77s | linking trade hubs watering holes |
79s | religious sites and so forth the growing |
81s | number of merchants families and |
83s | religious pilgrims prompted the paving |
85s | of these Pathways with bricks made from |
87s | local clay transforming well-worn routes |
90s | into a efficient highways the other |
92s | factor that contributed to their |
93s | economic ways is the use of the camel |
96s | clad in stunning Crimson fur and |
98s | sporting a rack of magnificent antlers |
100s | the Camal is a pack animal like no other |
103s | often fed with locally abundant and |
105s | nutrient-dense kazes fruits camels are |
108s | specially equipped to handle the rough |
110s | climate with little sustenance the humps |
112s | on their backs can store a week's worth |
114s | of calories and moisture giving the camk |
116s | enough time to find another Watering |
118s | Hole the combination of hard durability |
121s | rugged persistence and relatively low |
123s | maintenance make the C the perfect |
125s | animal to get yadak merchants and their |
127s | families from point A to point B with an |
129s | ample supply of wees for trade |
132s | modern-day yadak are still well |
134s | connected with the road building routes |
136s | as every trade Hub has a district |
137s | dedicated to churning out an infinite |
139s | supply of bricks with the yak always |
141s | finding new places to build |
143s | roads the process of road building is |
146s | highly ritualized as the builders |
148s | themselves are specially trained Crafts |
150s | People and each brick is individually |
152s | blessed by a priest of tan the patron |
154s | deity of the adak the trade hubs |
157s | themselves are aligned with streets of |
159s | merchants schools museums temples |
161s | statues and Stables as the yak dedicate |
164s | plenty to the academic religious and |
165s | cultural needs of their people but |
168s | despite the interconnectedness of yadak |
170s | lands the Kali region is still a |
172s | challenge to live in Rocky terrain |
175s | minimal water sources and an unforgiving |
177s | desert climate that rapidly shifts |
179s | between both both temperature extremes |
181s | make the area quite dangerous as getting |
184s | lost can easily Doom even the most |
186s | prepared |
187s | traveler life an emergent car event |
190s | isn't nearly as awful as the land itself |
192s | offering moments of camaraderie and joy |
194s | amidst The |
195s | Barrens The yadak understand the |
197s | importance of downtime when the sun is |
199s | set and spend their resting time telling |
201s | stories feasting on what could be forged |
203s | during the day and playing |
205s | games one of the more common pastimes |
208s | that all ych know is the local game |
210s | known as Shish which encourages |
212s | participants to stay alert and log |
215s | nearby points of interest such as |
217s | sources of food and water landmarks for |
219s | navigation and places of shade to get |
221s | out of the upcoming heat nighttime is |
223s | also when Yad Merchants brew and enjoy |
226s | CES a drink made from the K fruit which |
228s | is known to change the pitch of The |
230s | drinker's Voice this allows for the |
232s | singing of traditional songs and chants |
234s | to help pass the time as they march |
235s | across a beautiful but also rather |
237s | boring landscape |
244s | [Music] |
256s | ultimately trade is more than survival |
258s | for the YC it's a bond that weaves |
260s | together families friends and Merchants |
262s | across the square and the Y are happy to |
265s | Brave the harsh realities of their home |
267s | to make new stories and a nice profit |
271s | behind their bustling markets and |
273s | well-traveled Roads lies a complex web |
275s | of power struggles and uneasy |
277s | alliances unlike the other tribes the |
280s | political and military power of the yak |
283s | is divided into three main factions the |
285s | yak monarchy the horn Trading Company |
289s | and to a lesser extent the erk cast |
291s | Syndicate the yadak monarchy is the |
294s | cultural capital of the people and to |
296s | whom they swear their political and |
297s | cultural allegiance The yadak Royal |
300s | family is deeply intertwined in the |
302s | social political and religious aspects |
304s | of their culture and they lead their |
306s | numerous subjects with a fair hand the |
308s | hon Trading Company or HTC is the |
312s | largest trade Guild on the Square and |
314s | essentially runs the yak's large Trade |
316s | Network some like to say that the HTC is |
319s | the real Yak government but it's a |
321s | little more complicated than that their |
323s | power grew as the trade routes did and |
325s | nowadays the vast majority of yak |
327s | Merchants do business under the HTC's |
330s | guidance The eraz Syndicate are an |
333s | underground criminal organization that |
334s | opposes the other two but we'll talk |
336s | more about them in a moment the monarchy |
339s | and the HTC have a tenuous relationship |
342s | but effectively co- rule the yak |
344s | populace as the HTC needs the hearts and |
347s | minds of the people while the monarchy |
350s | needs the money yeah there's squabbles |
352s | between the two and the occasional |
354s | Skirmish between the monarchy and HTC |
356s | isn't uncommon but for the most part |
359s | they're on the same side |
360s | as they must work together to keep the |
362s | trade Empire stable at least for now |
365s | they both have militaries they both have |
367s | Loyalists and they both have the means |
369s | to wage war on the other but that's not |
372s | good for business is it as long as the |
374s | two sides maintain a fragile peace |
377s | violence is minimized the people are |
378s | kept content and the financial lifeblood |
381s | of the trade Empire flows through its |
383s | many well trodden |
384s | [Music] |
385s | [Applause] |
388s | veins and now it's time to talk about |
391s | the K Syndicate the constant thorn in |
394s | the sides of both the yadak monarchy and |
396s | the |
397s | HTC headquartered in the Kali Highlands |
399s | the uraz make up the third faction vying |
402s | for control of the aak populace as they |
404s | run underground operations right under |
406s | everyone's metaphorical noses smuggling |
409s | racketeering bribery trafficking |
411s | counterfeiting black marketeering |
413s | laundering banditry gambling lone |
415s | shirking extortion jaywalking and far |
418s | worse are run all over over the Square |
420s | from their clandestin meeting places no |
422s | tribe wants to admit it but everyone's |
424s | done business with the araz at some |
426s | point and the araz Never refuse a |
428s | potential source of new |
431s | leverage beyond their usual dealings The |
434s | Raid HTC shipments and undermine the |
436s | monarchy working in the resulting chaos |
439s | while the monarchy and HTC may have |
441s | their differences both are united in the |
444s | constant game of whacka mole of raiding |
446s | and shutting down ER |
447s | outposts but it doesn't matter as people |
450s | get threatened officials get bribed and |
453s | another base will just pop up somewhere |
455s | else their shitty dealings May divide |
457s | opinion but their willingness to provide |
460s | for the populist's hidden desires grants |
462s | them a begrudging popularity with the |
464s | common |
466s | yadak of course none of the kaz's |
468s | business is altruistic it's all about |
470s | the money and the power at the end of |
472s | the day and the eraz have no limits to |
475s | what they'll do to carve a largest slice |
476s | of the pie for themselves the erav often |
479s | rely on the power of the order Beast |
482s | lumbering Titans whose dense fur |
483s | conceals elicit cargo with ease a |
486s | Smuggler's |
487s | dream further cementing the kaz's |
490s | dominance in the shadows the only thing |
492s | that the eraz managed that isn't illegal |
495s | is the harvesting processing and export |
497s | of the Lazo a sour bright green fruit |
500s | that's native to the Ki Highlands this |
503s | fruit-based industry works as the |
504s | financial fallback when the money isn't |
506s | coming in like it |
508s | should and that's the story of the |
510s | nomadic yadak a tale of harsh survival |
513s | lucrative trade and confusing |
515s | politics remember may your Caravans be |
518s | swift your trades prosperous and your |
520s | Journeys blessed |
522s | [Music] |