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1 day ago - /u/Zoythrus - Direct link

Originally posted by Fcreep123

Glory is the most boring game mode just save your time

I exclusively play Glory :)

about 22 hours ago - /u/Zoythrus - Direct link

Originally posted by Th3_Baconoob

Could you also include domination in the weekly challenges? Having only glory in the weekly challenges will just make them boring and repetitive pretty quickly. Domination has a little more variety, as there are many different strategies depending on the tribe, compared to glory, which is really just the same play style over and over again with a little bit of difference depending on the amount of bots.

We chose Perfection because there's a more established win condition to compare with other people- Score.

Also, killing people is still the most effective way tk get points. You can play it just like Domination and nothing really changes.

about 22 hours ago - /u/Zoythrus - Direct link

Originally posted by Th3_Baconoob

If you’re playing it like domination, you won’t get as much points as you would if you just (for example with the current seed) rush embassies

We are aware of Embassy spam