2 days ago - /u/Zoythrus - Direct link

Originally posted by bw_van_manen

My device keeps throwing an error when trying to retrieve the challenge. I can try again or close the screen, but loading the data never works. Does anyone have an idea on how to fix this? I have an active internet connection, van play online games, and have the latest polytopia version available in the play store.

Servers are having some trouble. We're working on it

2 days ago - /u/Zoythrus - Direct link

Originally posted by Nubian_Cavalry

How do I access them on iOS? I updated the app and can’t see it anywhere

The button will be in the top-left corner of the menu.

If you don't see it, play a few games and it should show up

2 days ago - /u/Zoythrus - Direct link

Originally posted by Longjumping-Age8054

I can't access the mode I was a beta and couldn't access it then and left to see if I could now and I can't I've played way more than 5 matches does it have something to do with Google play saying fix it 

Try reinstalling

about 19 hours ago - /u/Zoythrus - Direct link

Originally posted by Longjumping-Age8054

That's what I did I uninstalled from beta and reinstalled and I just tried it again still did not work 

Have you played 5 matches since the update came out?

about 19 hours ago - /u/Zoythrus - Direct link

Originally posted by Longjumping-Age8054

Yeah does it have something to do with my Google play saying fix it 


Send me a DM

about 18 hours ago - /u/Zoythrus - Direct link

Originally posted by Longjumping-Age8054

I don't have any socials but this, strict parents 

And I'm suggesting you send me a DM here