over 3 years
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Please try updating your device drivers, as old drivers have been known to cause issues.
Please try updating your device drivers, as old drivers have been known to cause issues.
Originally posted by madtitan170:It *usually* works for people, as many have gotten past the pink screen crash after updating their drivers.Originally posted by Molloscoid:
Still not working, which drivers spefically?
he says same thing to everybody and it's won't solve the problem. A problem like this is a shame for the company
Originally posted by Molloscoid:Video drivers, as sometimes there's conflicts with old video card (GPU) drivers that arise.Originally posted by Zoythrus™: Hello,
Please try updating your device drivers, as old drivers have been known to cause issues.
Still not working, which drivers spefically?
Sorry to hear this. Would you be able to upload your most recent console logs and darktide_launcher.log please?: