Prehistoric Kingdom

Prehistoric Kingdom Dev Tracker

06 Dec

03 Oct

    Mau on Steam Forums - Thread - Direct
No, Collision Course, or Project Crynosaur hasn't been in development for what I'd call "a very short amount of time"... in fact, I'm pretty sure they've been in development for longer than we've been. You might say their latest game iteration has been in development for a fraction of that, but then again, so has ours. Like our credits point out, our demo took around 1 year to make, completely unfunded. Either way, indie teams are different, different developers can come from different backgrounds, live under different circumstances, thus comparing unpaid workflows is never fair or accurate.

Other than that, yeah, we may not be the game for you if the park building is not what you enjoy in a park builder. Not to say we don't want our animals to feel more realistic eventually, as we fully express to expand on their AI, but that's simply not the focus right now, considering we've just released a first iteration on what is supposed to be a game with a huge scope.

A... Read more
    Mau on Steam Forums - Thread - Direct
Oh boy, are there things wrong with this.

Alright, first of all, the demo you played now and what we were working on 3 years ago (yep, not 4, closest trailer we've ever released was in 2014) are entirely different things. Inefficient? Probably, but it's to be expected for an indie studio to undergo major changes caused by various issues especially that early in development. This demo should however prove we've got a much better idea of what we're doing and what we're going for right now.

Secondly, as we said many times, this is not an AI simulator where you let your animals run loose and take notes on their every behaviour variable. This game is a zoo builder first and foremost. Sure, we would love for our animals to have as much of a realistic behaviour as possible in the future, but the massive undertaking that 'hunting and herding' is made it clear for us that we would focus on the core of the game first.

So no, neither lazy, nor camera tricks. Just ... Read more

17 Sep

    /u/ on Steam Forums - Thread - Direct
In case you are not yet aware, we have an official server! We've been posting some teasers and status updates regarding the Jurassic Patch, so we highly suggest that you join up!

12 Aug

    /u/ on Steam Forums - Thread - Direct
The button on the store page will become active on the 16th of August!


05 Aug

    Nano on Steam Forums - Thread - Direct
Originally posted by Helljumper:
Originally posted by JPLnanotyrano: Hi, the demo is not currently available. We'll make announcements on all of our social media platforms once it is (not too far away!).

also can you put some info about whats in the demo?
If you check the bottom of the store page, we have a section just for that!

02 Aug

    Nano on Steam Forums - Thread - Direct
Hi, the demo is not currently available. We'll make announcements on all of our social media platforms once it is (not too far away!).