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I play the game on PS5 with aim/shoot buttons swapped to L1/R1.
Now Echo’s drone is not working with this button assignment.
Press R1 nothing happens, press R2 immediatelly exit the drone.

over 2 years ago - Ubi-Thrupney - Direct link

Howdy there @Adee_91 , thanks for reporting this to us! I understand you've got your Aim and Shoot buttons on L1 and R1, and this is causing the buttons to not function correctly when using Echo's drone 😞

I'm going to go ahead and report this to the team straight away, since it sounds like the sort of thing they should be able to reproduce. Just in case, though, can you send me across a couple of screenshots? One showing your button configuration from the menu, and another showing the interface while you're piloting Echo's drone. Here's the PS5 screenshot guide, and they can be added to a post here on Discussions with the add image button.

Thanks again for this report, and sorry for the inconvenience while we look into this.

over 2 years ago - Ubi-SleepyGoat - Direct link

Hey there @Adee_91 and thank you for reaching out to us again.

Can you take a screenshot or record a short video to show the visual issue you're seeing with the weapon skins? If you are able to record a video, please upload it to YouTube and post a link to the video in this thread.

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