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this has happend twice to me so far when moving to a new sub zone sometimes it wont let me switch weapons or interact with anything including teamates when there down and mission objs and doors and extratcts just happend in my run before posting this edit: this only happend with vigil

over 2 years ago - Ubi_Plush - Direct link

@daleanthany21 Thank you for the report. I'm sorry to hear about this happening with Vigil. We've received similar reports from players and are looking into the issue.

@komocode @bisectual @xHAND-BANANAx I'd also appreciate any video clips you can link in the thread. I'll forward these in my report to the game team.

@Ghostwolfa I'd like to look into your issue further. Was Doc also unable to interact with any objects on the map?

over 2 years ago - Ubi-SpaceCats - Direct link

@jean_ptit_pote Sorry to hear you're having issues posting video. Could you upload it elsewhere and send the link here?

over 2 years ago - Ubi-SpaceCats - Direct link

@whyareyoualive Thank you so much for this video! I've added it along with your information to our team's investigation of this issue. When there's an update regarding this, it will be posted here on our News & Announcements page, as well as the game's Twitter.