Original Post — Direct link
Hello! While purchasing Rainbow Six for a friend, I accidentally redeemed the code onto my own Uplay account (which already had Siege on it). Is there any way for me to de-activate the accidental purchase Siege and revert it back to a code or is that not possible? I bought the game from Humble Bundle, and I'm also working with them to get my gift out to my friend as well.
about 4 years ago - UbiKoality - Direct link
Hi uwupuggo! I'm sorry to hear that this happened. There is no way to deactivate the game from your account, but our team at support.ubi.com can look into transferring the game to your friend's account for you. Please open a case with them and be sure to include a screenshot of your proof of purchase for Siege so our team can first verify your ownership. Thank you -- and your friend -- for your patience in the meantime!