Original Post — Direct link

Anyone else having the error code above kicking the party out of a ranked match and not being able to rejoin the game after restarting the application? It is quite annoying and results in losing elo and a 2 day ban for something we can't control. Is there any way to deactivate the ban or get some elo back?

over 2 years ago - ubi-smash - Direct link

Greeting to the forums @zibbons-hog! Apologies for the difficulties this problem has been during ranked matches. I'm afraid these penalties are issued by an automated system in-game and cannot be overturned. However, please know that our team has collected similar reports of this behavior. Could you please share with us the server you are playing on when this happened, along with the platform you are also on? If console, could you let us know if you are playing on a next-gen console?