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This week matchmaking crazy, same as amount of cheaters.
unranked - being gold I play vs plat 2-1. My friend played even champion. And this is massive, not single game.
Cheating in unranked is insane. Mainly wallhacks. When telling enemies about them, they are just laughing. It's very frustrating.
in ranked I had about 20 mmr changes this season. it's more than in all other season (I joined Y1S3).
about 4 years ago - UbiShoreman - Direct link
Hey Cadhi, this definitely sounds like a really frustrating week. We did address some of the concerns in this article, and do plan on addressing some points of contention in the community upcoming! Hopefully these measures will counter weeks like this in the future.
about 4 years ago - UbiMorning - Direct link
Hey everyone! Just wanted to make sure that everyone is aware the blog post has been posted at this point. Here is the link for reference. The point of the blog post was to give communication on the steps we have taken to tackle these ongoing issues and share where we are in the process. It is important to understand that there are some aspects we cannot communicate much without potentially compromising the system. Not all of the issues have answers yet, but the team felt it was necessary to explain where the team is in their investigations.

Originally Posted by Lickidactyl
You didn't address how awful matchmaking is, in either that article or the one posted recently. Whenever the topic comes up you guys like to say "We're listening to feedback" but I've never once seen any of you admit that the skill-based matchmaking does not function outside of Ranked.
Shoreman - we love you but neither of the reports addresses "Cheating" as the issue really exists in Siege.

M&K cheating on consoles? Nothing.
ESP cheats? Nothing.
Recoil scripts? Nothing.
Weapon swap, melee, and other automated macros? Nothing.
Aimbots and other hacks? Nothing.
There are dedicated Dev Blogs coming for things like matchmaking and cheating, as these are topics that require more attention to detail. We didn't want to make the blog post longer than it needed to be, and felt that a standalone blog post would be easier. These things require more complicated fixes than most players understand because of other blockers like legal laws in other countries that require player data to be handled in a specific way. You may think "this is such an easy fix!" but as explained previous times before - it is not. The upcoming Dev Blogs should help shed light. As stated in the recent Status Report:
We aim to improve communications on a few key topics such as cheating, connectivity, and matchmaking—we will be releasing dev blogs touching on those in the near future.
about 4 years ago - UbiMorning - Direct link
3.4. Incomplete Teams - This is a day one bug, since the game came out this wasn`t adressed, but there are topics about this for years. Ubi doing nothing, just making stupid blog posts.
This was addressed in the Top Issues blog.
Description: An error was found in the matchmaking flow that was causing matches to start with incomplete teams if a player exited the Ranked queue right as a match was found. These players were already processed as being in the match when they had already backed out, resulting in games starting with incomplete teams.

Objective: Part of the solution is to correct when the abandon sanction warning message popup is displayed to alert players that they have already entered a match and deter them from leaving. We are also working on a Match Cancellation feature which will allow players to cancel matches in the early stages of a game under the condition that their team is incomplete (this will come later to the PC TS in Y5S2).

Status: (Target Y5S2) A fix is scheduled for Y5S2.
3. Cheaters and Disruptive Behavior -
As mentioned earlier, we will be providing more information on our investigation into these types of behaviors soon. I understand you may think the blog posts are pointless, but they are supposed to be used as a medium to write out the progress. I am not sure how else you would prefer that information to be shared other than a public post with a lot of details.
about 4 years ago - UbiMorning - Direct link
For clarification purposes: I am not a developer. You can read what a Community Representative is here. I also personally played Overwatch since launch up until 2017/18 competitively.
Blog posts are written by community team members, not developers. Developers provide relevant information for the community team to create blog posts with and word things in a way players would understand. The purpose of the blog post is to provide communication to the community on the state of issues. It's not that the issue cannot be resolved necessarily. It just may be a hard issue to resolve due to various possible sources, like for the audio bugs.

Also there was twice said in patch notes that there are no more body clipping thru walls, but still it`s present.
We recommend reporting these through R6Fix so they can be investigated properly.

Do You realize that in casual MM (matchmaking) is broken? Game is starting witth 3vs5 or 4vs5. Or if the score of a casual game is 1:2 or 2:0 or 2:2 there is a bug, noone can join the game. This is a day1 bug on PC.
Quick Match should backfill when there is an opening. Sometimes it may be difficult for the system to find someone to replace the open spot at that time. However, I am looking into collecting more information about instances where players don't get backfill at all in Quick Match games. If you could, a separate post with details or examples of this would be really helpful for tracking purposes.

I don`t know how to make these ppl fix their game?
There are several ways to report issues within Siege. As I mentioned earlier, R6Fix is the preferred method. Otherwise, you can create a thread reporting issues in the Player Support section. Details are extremely valuable when reporting issues, especially if it is one that has specific reproduction steps. The more details we have, the more the team has to work with when trying to identify the possible source of the issue and a solution.
As far as feedback related suggestions, constructive feedback is appreciated, especially when a player is hyper-specific about what they dislike and offers suggestions on how to improve. Just saying "Fix this character" is not helpful to anyone because that does not tell me what you are having issues with. An example would be "I think XXXX deserves a buff/nerf. I would specifically buff/nerf XXX's _____ because [Explanation as to why it is currently too strong/weak]." Being constructive provides a starting ground for discussions within the community, and provides an accurate depiction of a portion of the community's thoughts on a certain aspect.
about 4 years ago - UbiMorning - Direct link
Originally Posted by The_.Riddler
Thanks for taking the time to respond, Morning. I wish there was any actual sense from the response that Ubisoft ever intended to really do anything about the problems ... but the impression we get is that it's just a lather-rinse-repeat of the same old "We're observing the situation" piffle that we've been hearing from Ubi or years. I am really hoping that the Observation mode comes out soon, is very robust, and has easy "Cheat report" options built into it. That will at least let us report players more accurately. I hope to hear more about that at some point. It would also be nice if Ubi started using its own data to statistically detect likely cheaters, "flag" them, and have a warning system that IDs potential cheaters in a match and lets people vote them out, or warns players so they can record matches and keep a closer eye on them so the detection can be confirmed. These would be useful tools which the game should have had from day 1.
I am really excited for the Replay System as well! I hope it will be a great tool for players trying to report Cheaters as well.
Additionally, I know it can be frustrating when responses are not what you hoped for. Depending on the situation, it may be that there isn't anything we can share publicly yet on the situation, or that there has not been a large update since the last status of an issue. The community team does try their best to represent the views of the community and attempt to share what information they can to players asking.