Original Post — Direct link
Ever since I started playing Rainbow Six Siege, I keep getting these lag spikes, my ping shoots up from the low 30s to the high 80s, my screen will freeze and lag for about a second or two, then go back down. These two symbols appear when it happens:

They'll turn yellow, then red, then yellow and disappear. This happens every game I play regardless if I'm wired or wifi.

My internet speed is consistent at over 100mbps:

My Nvidia 1070 is more than enough to handle and my Intel i7 Kaby Lake shouldn't have an issue. My other online games haven't ran into this issue. Is there a way to change what server I'm on in Siege? How can this be fixed? Right now I'm on eus sitting at 36ms.
almost 7 years ago - UbiNoty - Direct link
Morfanos pretty much said it all, but here's the link to the connectivity blog which defines the icon types if you're interested: https://rainbow6.ubisoft.com/siege/e...m:152-76770-32
over 5 years ago - UbiMorning - Direct link
Hi NynniSWAG! I was able to locate your ticket. Please update your ticket with a screenshot of your port forwarding setting so we may verify you've done the troubleshooting correctly. Once the team has that information, they can look further into it for you!