over 4 years ago - UbiYubble - Direct link
Originally posted by 02: What should i pick Mozzie or Alibi ?? Or Who's the best roamer

I feel like you can't go wrong with either. When Alibi first came out, a lot of players used her prismas for a "smoke and mirrors" strat, and while there are some who still do that, her gadget is mostly used as distraction. If you have an enemy disctracted by a prisma for even a second and you're able to capitalize on that, it'll be huge for your team. Personally, I like to play her closer to site since I usually use my prismas on, or near site.

Mozzie on the other hand, is someone you can deep roam a ton with. If you're able to capture a few drones with his pests, you can set them up in popular areas where the Attackers push from and go for some late round flanks.

If we're basing things around weaponry, I'd give the edge to Alibi. Both Mozzie and Alibi's weapons have little-to-know recoil, but the fire rate on her MX4 is among the best... however Mozzie wins best reload animation with the Commando.