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For a bit of background, I usually have around 10-30 or so seconds of loading time between the end of the operator-picking phase and the start of the prep-phase. Most days I just watch a video through this time, ignoring the belly-aching of my teammates that they have to wait less than half a minute longer (big deal, I know).

However, as of late (about 2 weeks ago) I have been having upwards of 2-3 minute load times in all modes except for Deathmatch (I don't know the actual load-duration as I don't put my teammates through anything more than 1.5 minutes of loading before Alt-F4ing).

Anyone know a way to fix this? And yes, I have already de-fragmented my hard drive. And no, my internet isn't bad. I also don't play while uploading or downloading things, with the only other thing open usually being Firefox.

almost 2 years ago - Ubi-Poseidon - Direct link

@lethargicsauce I am sorry to hear that you are experiencing long load times when playing a match of Rainbow Six Siege. How often does this occur, and does the issue persist after trying the following troubleshooting?