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Why am I seeing Plats in quick play? I'm not a very good player. I don't see why I'm not matched with people alike in MMR. Or whatever judgement should be used. I get people want fast matches but playing against a plat when I would be ranked MAYBE low silver, same with the others on my team, makes me not want to play.
over 4 years ago - UbiFate - Direct link
Hey guys. Quick Play has its own separate MMR system to Ranked, so their rank is not taken into consideration when a match is formed. If you are encountering these players, it means your Quick Play MMR is similar, which could be for a variety of reasons. They may not play Quick Match as often, or just don't take it as seriously to stay in a lower MMR bracket.
over 4 years ago - UbiMorning - Direct link
Originally Posted by Gravemind01
Jesus can you say that more? You got that on a bind or something? We k n o w casual has a separate mmr, WE are telling you its g a r b a g e.
Not everyone understands that they are separate, which is why we feel it is important to mention it in these kinds of threads.
We do appreciate those who have been expressing their dislike for the current system and offering alternatives. We have nothing further to share at this time since there are no planned changes for altering the system, but I have been making notes of reports of unbalanced matchmaking across all modes.
over 4 years ago - UbiMorning - Direct link
Originally Posted by Luckydevil_010
Why not have ranks weighted. So say you have a plat and a silver at say 1000 casual mmr weigh the plat as say an extra 500 or 700 positive while the silver would be the opposite. That way both sides win. Plats and diamonds wont constantly be playing each other and lower ranks have less chance of being curb stomped.

Granted this problem doesnt bug me as much as others except for the fact that I somehow always get silvers and coppers while the other team is plat.
Thanks for the suggestion! I think part of the reason it is separate is because the two different modes have different rules. Ranked MMR is based on a person's performance in Bomb only. It would reflect their performance in Hostage or Secure. Presumably, it would be fairly similar to their Ranked playstyle, but that isn't always the case. That would also assume the player is performing consistently with how they play in Ranked.
Were you saying 1k would be the baseline for everyone?

Originally Posted by The_.Riddler
My opinion is that they need to add an OPTIONAL toggle to allow players to activate a "Master MMR" if they want. The Master MMR would be an MMR that accounts for every scrap of every iota of data that Ubi records on a player's performance. Ranked, Unranked, Casual, Terrrorist Hunts, KD ratio, WL ratio, ... the Master MMR would use it all. The Master MMR would look at every aspect of the game, and would also be cross-account so it used the player's performance on ALL Ubisoft accounts they own rather than creating new MMRs for different accounts. It would also be persistent and sticky in the sense that it would include all the data for the player across their entire history rather than 'seasons'. It would be an accurate, comprehensive, data-driven summation of a players actual performance as was possible to quantify using all the game's data.

Then, if a player wanted to screen out smurfs, they would click the Master MMR toggle. Boom. The game would only put them in matches that included players whose Master MMRs were comparable. The exact number I'm not sure ... but as a first experiment I would suggest a +20 / -20% total spread for matching (I.E. All players in a match would be within a range of +20% to -20% Master MMR of each other).

This way players would have a CHOICE as to whether they wanted Smurfs in their matches or not, because the Master MMR would filter out the egregious disparities and wall off the sleazy people who hide their actual performance.
The concept of a Master MMR sounds fairly complex and would be difficult to implement. I don't think it would make sense to include Terroist Hunt, especially if people can inflate their KD/WL ratio as they are playing against bots. I feel like if anything, the MMR should only look at performance against actual players.
" The Master MMR would look at every aspect of the game, and would also be cross-account so it used the player's performance on ALL Ubisoft accounts they own"
This would not work. A player would have to volunteer to connect their alternate accounts, which not everyone will do. There is no way for us to force this on our end, since there is no 100% guaranteed way to identify alternate accounts.
Again, this idea is assuming that everyone is performing how they normally perform, which is not always the case. Throwers/derankers exist and would cause the master MMR to be skewed, assuming they link their alternate accounts.
over 4 years ago - UbiMorning - Direct link
And to that I would say ... too bad ... FORCE them to do it. If you require double authentication of Ubi accounts then you could use that information to ramrod cross-account compliance. Then players wouldn't have a choice..
We don't have access to that information, so it would not be possible. Even so, it wouldn't provide a 100% accurate way of saying accounts A, B, and C belong to Person A.

Throwing and deranking only work because your current systems are too small, incomplete, and short-lived. If you used a Master MMR system that used all the data instead of looking at narrow windows of data then throwing and deranking doesn't work. A player would have to throw his games for prolonged periods of time to even move the needle slightly. Looking at all the data over the entire player game history would create an MMR that would be extremely difficult to game.
For example, what if Player A normally plays at about a Plat 2 level on his main account. But he also has 2 other accounts, which both are around the Bronze elo. He consistently plays at a Bronze elo level on alternate accounts to keep those accounts low. The system would have to create a balance between the two distinct elo levels, which still wouldn't be 100% accurate to how the player normally performs.
I apologize if I'm misunderstanding your idea, but that's how I am interpreting it.
over 4 years ago - UbiYubble - Direct link
Originally Posted by WBBCoop
For me, whatever system you're using seems to work 80% of my time, and I'm good with it. But man does that other 20% suck.
The system has been a major topic of discussion as of late, and I think it had a lot to do with the Road to S.I. Event where players were being matched up against Plat stacks on a consistent basis. UbiFate, myself, and UbiMorning have made the team aware of how the community feels towards this Quick Match MMR system, but as of this time, we don't have anything to share.

Do you think Casual/Quick Match matchmaking should only factor in K/D or W/L?
over 4 years ago - UbiYubble - Direct link
Originally Posted by WBBCoop
Of course not. Either one of those alone would not be a system in and of itself.

Ranked presumably uses W/L as its primary factor (although you didn't confirm this for me), which it should.

Quick Play, IMO, should use W/L as a primary also, but..QP has unique qualities which makes it possible for the system to include other properties from the players usage and conduct. An example would be, abandoning. If you abandon a Ranked match you get a temp ban, but you cant do that for QP (for reasons we dont need to discuss here). However, you can include QP abandons in the selection process.

It's almost impossible to think of how exactly the QP MM system could work without the collective data you have on us; which understandably you can't share.
Thanks, Coop. UbiMorning and I are keeping the dev team in the loop on this conversation, so we'll continue to monitor it and see how it progresses.