Original Post — Direct link
So i have been having this problem the whole day were my games would stop ads and then start again with barely any like pause between stopping starting and would some times do it more than once until i stop adsing is there a fix

i have a short video here where it is displayed before i get the kill

about 4 years ago - Ubi-Milky - Direct link
Hi M1ssLoli,

Thanks for getting in contact with us about this. We have had a few issues with the ADS setting not being able to be saved after switching from default settings, but this has since been fixed in the game over the last few days.

This ADS issue you are having is the first time I've heard a player mention it, does this happen with all weapons you use or only certain ones, have you been able to test this?

Also, how good is your connection to the game and what is your ping counter usually like?