Original Post — Direct link

How is support so unbelievably slow? Maybe there's a reasonable explanation for it but I can't think of any.

Does the live chat actually exist? When I go to the support page, it gives me the option to start a chat or a ticket but to start a chat, I have to enter a message and add topic and all that. Once Platform, general topic and a message are entered, the option to start a live chat is taken away. Is there a reasonable explanation for this??

On support tickets, it shows a date under Updated. I'm assuming it is the date it was last updated. But nothing changed on the ticket. What exactly counts as "update" on a ticket?

almost 2 years ago - Ubi-Froggard - Direct link

We just had a lot of contacts throughout December due to the new season launching and the holidays also had some effect on us being able to reply as quickly as we would like to, but we're getting through them and will hopefully be with you soon if you still haven't had a reply.

Yes, live chat exists. It depends on what your issue is and what region you are in and the time of day you are trying to use it.

The date on your ticket will be the date you updated the ticket and will change when we move the ticket to the correct queue or reply to you.