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Yesterday I was trying to get the damn skin/ I played 5 unranked games with 3 friends - 0/5 rounds, said Ubi connect.
Today a guy on reddit told me it only works when you team up with just 1 friend at a time. I doubdted this, found a random guy and we teamed up... And we completed the challenge!
How can Ubi connect devs be so unprofessional lol? The challenge clearly asks you to play with at least 1 friend, nothing about playing with 1 friend at a time . I can;t stop laughing at this .
almost 4 years ago - UbiMorning - Direct link
The challenge specifically says "Play 5 rounds in PVP with a friend on your team to win the Corsair weapon skin.", meaning only one friend. Challenges will specifically specify if you need more than one friend in your group.
almost 4 years ago - UbiMorning - Direct link
Originally Posted by Raytheon...
Morning how do I claim this I already did the challenge but its not showing up
Does it show up in the Ubisoft Connect client under Challenges? Is the challenge itself missing or is the progress for the challenge missing? I would check in with Support about it if you haven't already.

Originally Posted by Sgt Astor
But this tweet by esports twitter says "at least one friend" .
Apologies for the confusion on the tweet on the esports twitter! I will try to get confirmation to be sure it is only supposed to be one friend, but the wording on the challenge itself should be the correct one, meaning only one friend.