about 5 years ago - Ubi-Keo - Direct link
Hi Operators,

Please check this article for more information about Vulkan API. There is an important notes section at the end of the article regarding GPU drivers and unsupported hardware.

When you launch Rainbow Six Siege after installing the latest update you may experience one of the following issues:

The option for Vulkan does not show up on Steam version

. If the option for Vulkan is not available then please make sure that all of your drivers are up to date
. Try restarting Steam
. Start the game by going into the installation folder and starting the Rainbow Six Siege & Vulkan.exe manually (RainbowSix_Vulkan.exe)

Unable to launch the game because of a DLL error

. If you receive a DLL error then please ensure you own a GPU that is compatible with Vulkan (List is in the article link at the top of this post)
. Make sure your drivers are up to date
. Try verifying the game files

If you continue to experience issues and your GPU meets the requirements then please try these PC troubleshooting steps.

If the issue still persists, could you please submit a support ticket and attach your system files (dxdiag and msinfo) and our Customer Support team will investigate this further for you.
about 5 years ago - Ubi-Keo - Direct link
Hi Operators,

Please check this article for more information about Vulkan API. There is an important notes section at the end of the article regarding GPU drivers and unsupported hardware.

When you launch Rainbow Six Siege after installing the latest update you may experience one of the following issues:

The option for Vulkan does not show up on Steam version

. If the option for Vulkan is not available then please make sure that all of your drivers are up to date
. Try restarting Steam
. Start the game by going into the installation folder and starting the Rainbow Six Siege & Vulkan.exe manually (RainbowSix_Vulkan.exe)

Unable to launch the game because of a DLL error

. If you receive a DLL error then please ensure you own a GPU that is compatible with Vulkan (List is in the article link at the top of this post)
. Make sure your drivers are up to date
. Try verifying the game files

If you continue to experience issues and your GPU meets the requirements then please try these PC troubleshooting steps.

If the issue still persists, could you please submit a support ticket and attach your system files (dxdiag and msinfo) and our Customer Support team will investigate this further for you.