over 4 years ago - UbiYubble - Direct link
Originally posted by Zikiel: i did a post about this 2 weeks ago or so and i have to do it again, i know devs are aware of this but i'm just speechless
so there is supposed to be a mmr system in CASUAL matches
my typical team: coppers, low silvers
their team: platinum III, I, even diamond
i hope ubisoft TRULY improves this mmr system or removes it completely
i can no longer play a decent match, came back to play from a long break and there isnt even a learning curve because the enemy team wont let you breathe

no i dont want to play ranked in order to get matched with an equal skill level
i want a fair casual match when u dont feel like playing ranked...

Hi Zikiel, thank you for sharing your Quick Match experience with us.

Yes, it's true the mode has a hidden MMR system. I've noticed over the course of the past few weeks players voicing how they feel about the system, and I've done my due diligence to let the dev team know about it. I don't have anything to share at this time, but I will keep an eye on the conversation and keep the team aware of where things stand with this situation. Thank you again for taking the time to share how you feel about this, I genuinely appreciate it.