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Lets be frank, the launch of Shadow Legacy has been horrendous.The update has brought multiple great additions to the game, but those additions have been side lined by the game breaking bugs plaguing our matches. Each launch has had its fair share of bugs, but recently with the launch of updates such as Mute Protocol and Shadow Legacy, it seems that the bugs are only getting more prevalent. This isn't saying it couldn't have been worse, due to the usage of the TTS, Ubisoft and the community were able to pin down many bugs and get them patched out before the season went live.

However, my main problem is not with the bugs themselves, but with how Ubisoft seems to be handling them. Bugs like the reversed in-game audio, and the use of the reworked Tachanka by hackers in the live build of the game have not been addressed by Ubisoft officials. Not to mention the rework release hasn't been officially announced despite it clearly having been patched into the live build of the game. All of these situations would be less frustrating if Ubisoft would simply speak to their community more. It could be as simple as a Tweet detailing that Ubisoft is attempting to fix a bug and will patch it out soon, or it could be a full on YouTube video answering forum questions in as much detail as possible. I don't think the community cares how far the transparency goes, just so long as there is more community engagement on the part of Ubisoft.

Let me be clear, the intention of this post is not to say Ubisoft is doing a bad job at managing their game and the bugs. It's just that recently myself and many other members of the community have felt as though Ubisoft hasn't been transparent enough with their player base.
almost 4 years ago - UbiShoreman - Direct link
Originally Posted by Mr.Sodaman
Lets be frank, the launch of Shadow Legacy has been horrendous.The update has brought multiple great additions to the game, but those additions have been side lined by the game breaking bugs plaguing our matches. Each launch has had its fair share of bugs, but recently with the launch of updates such as Mute Protocol and Shadow Legacy, it seems that the bugs are only getting more prevalent. This isn't saying it couldn't have been worse, due to the usage of the TTS, Ubisoft and the community were able to pin down many bugs and get them patched out before the season went live.

However, my main problem is not with the bugs themselves, but with how Ubisoft seems to be handling them. Bugs like the reversed in-game audio, and the use of the reworked Tachanka by hackers in the live build of the game have not been addressed by Ubisoft officials. Not to mention the rework release hasn't been officially announced despite it clearly having been patched into the live build of the game. All of these situations would be less frustrating if Ubisoft would simply speak to their community more. It could be as simple as a Tweet detailing that Ubisoft is attempting to fix a bug and will patch it out soon, or it could be a full on YouTube video answering forum questions in as much detail as possible. I don't think the community cares how far the transparency goes, just so long as there is more community engagement on the part of Ubisoft.

Let me be clear, the intention of this post is not to say Ubisoft is doing a bad job at managing their game and the bugs. It's just that recently myself and many other members of the community have felt as though Ubisoft hasn't been transparent enough with their player base.

I completely understand why you would feel this way. What I can say, at the very least, is that we are aware of the issues that the community is bringing up and are looking at them as we speak.
almost 4 years ago - UbiShoreman - Direct link
Originally Posted by BETA_Cadhi
So can you be more transparent in updating the status of the fixes? The answer we are aware is far from that, unfortunately. Do you know plan that fix will be deployed on Oct, Nov?
As it stands, I don't have any insight into this. I know that, for the audio issues at the very least, we let out a tweet today saying that we were not longer able to reproduce it, so if you are still experiencing that, please give us a shout.

Fixes can be complicated, and take time, and pinning down an exact date for these things isn't always feasible. I understand that it can be frustrating and difficult to feel like there's no set answer, but sometimes, the date on fixes can be a bit amorphous.