Original Post — Direct link
Hey guys!

I had purchased an account and later on some in game skins to compliment my guns but I stopped playing Rainbow Six: Siege for around 2 - 3 weeks. Few days ago, I thought i'd play since I haven't played for a while and I'm greeted with a permanent ban for "Multiple Cheating Offenses"!!! I was shocked considering the only thing I run in the background of my computer is a discord call, so this was very out of the ordinary for me. I went to Ubisoft support and they fail to even acknowledge my ticket saying its in "progess" for the last 10 days. I tried tweeting and dm'ing Ubisoft Support my ticket number but there was no luck. I hopefully think that I can get an answer from this fourm and maybe get my case a reply too?? An appeal for a false ban is what I'm really looking for. I spent money on skins too for that account so it's just that kind of situation where I feel hopeless if I'm gonna get my account back or not :/

over 4 years ago - Ubi-WheelyDuck - Direct link
Originally Posted by Exq..
Hey guys!

I had purchased an account and later on some in game skins to compliment my guns but I stopped playing Rainbow Six: Siege for around 2 - 3 weeks. Few days ago, I thought i'd play since I haven't played for a while and I'm greeted with a permanent ban for "Multiple Cheating Offenses"!!! I was shocked considering the only thing I run in the background of my computer is a discord call, so this was very out of the ordinary for me. I went to Ubisoft support and they fail to even acknowledge my ticket saying its in "progess" for the last 10 days. I tried tweeting and dm'ing Ubisoft Support my ticket number but there was no luck. I hopefully think that I can get an answer from this fourm and maybe get my case a reply too?? An appeal for a false ban is what I'm really looking for. I spent money on skins too for that account so it's just that kind of situation where I feel hopeless if I'm gonna get my account back or not :/

Hi Exq..

I wish you were coming to the forums under better circumstances.

Unfortunately, we're unable to do anything on our end here on the forums when it comes to ban appeals.I can see your case is with the team and they will respond once they have the opportunity to review your case.