over 4 years ago - UbiYubble - Direct link
Originally posted by Tengku_Razin: Because the voice chat is completely silent when I play, and then when I die they want to ask "where was he" or "watch this drone and give calls"

Yea you can miss me with that BS.
Thanks for sharing your Ranked experience with us, Tengku.

I know it can be frustrating not to receive call outs or information from your teammates in Ranked, especially since information from your team in that mode is essential to win. However, don't let their silence stop you from telling them where you died at and who by. If no one's giving out information and everyone is dying because of it, you're on an express train to a loss, and I don't think anyone wants that.

Perhaps you telling them where you died from will result in them getting a kill, thus encouraging them to speak a little more. You'll never know until you try.