Original Post — Direct link
For the past few days whenever my friend and I come off our first game of the day and re-queue to find another match we wait for like 5 minutes before we restart the queue. When we do that the game disbands the squad and says we have to reconnect to a ranked game. When we try to reconnect, we sit there for 10 minutes doing nothing because the game won't connect us into the match. This has been happening consistently and even before the sugar fright game mode and it's really annoying. All the fixes and workarounds I have seen online don't work at all and restarting the game or my PS4 doesn't do anything, anyone else having this issue? I can play one game a day unless I wait for 5 hrs to try again and its not worth it.
over 4 years ago - UBI-Froggard - Direct link

Thanks for the report. We are aware of this and it is being looked into by the relevant team at the moment. I apologise for any inconvenience.

Please can you make sure to go through the connectivity troubleshooting found here as the issue doesn't happen for everyone, so it's hard to know what's causing it for some.