Original Post — Direct link
So a few hours ago I turn on my pc and started to watch a movie then I get a call from a friend asking to play r6s I say sure and then I try launch my game from steam and it didn't launch
about 4 years ago - Ubi-Milky - Direct link
Hello IlllllIIIlllIIl, welcome to the forums!

Sorry to hear about this, what happens when the game wont launch? Does it ask you to log in, do you see the splash screen or do you get any kind of message?

Can you try finding the games .exe file first, right clicking on it and launching it as administrator?

Can I also ask when was the last time you tried to play Siege, was it a while ago? You may need to download a new version of the Uplay launcher and install it from our website here - https://uplay.ubisoft.com/en-GB