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Shield ops DEPEND on their "gadget" aspect to do anything

Compared to say, a Thermite
Even if he lost all his breaching charges, he is still a threat, he is still very capable of contributing to the team

Shields, in of themselves, the core basic shield, is nothing but useless
You cant even properly defend yourself with it

Nothing stops a defender from running up, and simply smacking you down
You could try a melee back, but then its a melee hit trade gamble
So your BEST bet is a 50/50 chance, which really is more random than skill based

Attempt to ads?

Attempt to hipfire?
Unless you get REAL lucky- die

A basic shields survival is pure luck

The only reason Monty or Blitz can do well, is BECAUSE of their ability, which takes an initially useless operator and makes them powerful but only in SPECIFIC situations
A Monty, locked in a corner watching bomb is frustrating
A blitz getting you at close range is frustrating

Because in both situations, there isnt so much skill, as it is "gadget" doing all the work

If you want shields to become TRULY useful and reliable
You need to buff BASIC shield performance such that BASIC shields can reliably contribute to a team's ability to win

Shields NEED to be able to defend themselves
-Hipfire needs to be reliable such that a defender can't simply rush you, and expect to get away with it
Defenders should have to attempt to bait a shield around a corner, or other such tactic, to allow closing into melee range

-Melee range needs to be reduced for both sides
Simply scraping the tip of your knife isnt enough
You need to be UP ON a shield to get a knock back
And a shield needs to be as close for a melee

ONCE core shield mechanics are solid, THEN you can adjust abilities such that they are not suffocatingly powerful when applied in their appropriate situation

Monty's transition from full to normal shield extension should take noticeably longer
This lets him do EITHER/OR
Normal Shield op OR impervious wall
Instead of rapidly switching back and forth
A solid length of time to transition would allow defenders to defuse if a fully extended monty is just sitting, watching

Blitz should be reverted back to 3 armor, sprint removed
His flash should then be reworked to perform more like a normal flash bang, you face it (from a pretty solid distance) you get blinded
You face away, no effect except at POINT blank
(Long cooldown- 30 seconds or so)
This makes Blitz less of a trolling 1v1 monster, and more of a strong entry support
He enters a room first, hits his flash to get defenders OFF the angles they are holding, allowing attackers to move into the room with relative safety
over 4 years ago - UbiMorning - Direct link
Just a note: I merged your other thread with this thread, as they are essentially about the same topic. Please refrain from making duplicate threads about the same topic.
over 4 years ago - UbiMorning - Direct link
Originally Posted by xcel30
Maybe people are just that angry
People are allowed to be upset as long as they are abiding by the forum rules.
over 4 years ago - UbiMorning - Direct link
I have reached out to the team for a break down of the clips you've provided so far. Here is what I have:

For this clip, Blitz using his gadget has the effect of exposing his body because the shield is being pushed away from the operator himself.

For the rest of these clips, you are not looking directly at the person shooting. This perspective difference can be confusing and why some people feel like they are being shot through the shield. However, the team would really appreciate it if kill cams are included when trying to report these issues so the team can look at the difference. I would keep that in mind for future clips.
As you can see in the screenshot, you are not looking directly at the person shooting, which means you are exposed to the enemy but you don't give off that perspective to yourself. Since you are titled slightly, your shoulder/side of you is partially exposed.

Again, you are not facing the enemy directly. You appear to be getting shot in the shoulder, which will make the operator flinch and expose for a headshot.

Again, not facing directly head-on. Your shoulder is exposed to the angle they are looking at you.

The only potential issue clip was maybe this one:

Either the other player got super lucky or it is a potential collision problem. But again, no kill cam was included so can't really say.
over 4 years ago - UbiMorning - Direct link
Originally Posted by xcel30
Just a quick comment on this one, wasn't this meant to patched out during year 4? i remember this beign a example i pointed out in multiple videos and got mentioned in patchnotes adjusting his hitboxesfor his flash animation as it was not intended
The issue you are referring to was one where Blitz's shield was moved a significant amount away from him, like when you melee Clash's shield. That was fixed. The behavior in that clip is intended how it is.
over 4 years ago - UbiMorning - Direct link
Yes, these characters are SLIGHTLY off center of my screen (and all to the right, which is where the trouble point seems to be)
But that shouldnt matter
Except it does matter. I understand its confusing and can be hard to explain clearly. You are not centered on the enemy. This means you are tilted slightly, exposing your right shoulder normally in this case. Because the glass gives off the impression that the side is covered, it can be confusing. The screenshot of the clip in Games Room illustrates the perspective. You are not parallel with the enemy. From the angle the enemy is peeking, you are not 100% covered.
As I mentioned before, when you are shot in the shoulder, it causes your character to flinch, which can lead up to a headshot. Again, kill cams are important to see the perspective of the enemy. I know you think they don't matter, but we can't be 100% certain if we do not have the full footage available. Just like in any report, the important parts of a clip are the before, during and after effects.

I actually went and recreated the scenario in Game Room on Villa.
Here is your perspective standing:

and crouching

And here is Mira's perspective:

As you can see, your head is fully exposed to the opponent.
over 4 years ago - UbiMorning - Direct link
Originally Posted by TimmyTables
As with all operators the user can make or break the gadget. Monty and clash being easier to use of course.
Quick fix would be the shields ops really need a rifle change out when they swap weapons. Shield and pistol is one weapon, then swap weapon swaps to rifle.
The shield is their gadget, so they still need a primary.
Except Fuze's shield isn't his gadget, it is a primary option for him. Most players don't run the shield because he has the AK-12, which is a really solid gun. I don't really see this option working for Blitz because his whole kit is based around his gadget, as most operators are created like this.