Anyone else having an issue where Aruni suddenly becomes locked? I own the season pass and played her earlier today in ranked for a few hours after a short break she becomes locked. She doesn't even show up in the operator selection menu in any games. I can see her in the customization menu and it says she will be available in a week or so. I thought she was removed from the ranked playlist but the enemy team was able to pick her as well. This is happening on Xbox with a few friends seeing it too.
Originally Posted by Neutra1izedThank you for reporting this issue. I sincerely apologize for any inconvenience this may have caused you.
Anyone else having an issue where Aruni suddenly becomes locked? I own the season pass and played her earlier today in ranked for a few hours after a short break she becomes locked. She doesn't even show up in the operator selection menu in any games. I can see her in the customization menu and it says she will be available in a week or so. I thought she was removed from the ranked playlist but the enemy team was able to pick her as well. This is happening on Xbox with a few friends seeing it too.
This issue has been forwarded up to the development team for further review.
We would also ask you to check if your add-ons are correctly installed and to check whether you are sharing your season pass or not with game/library sharing?