Original Post — Direct link
For the second time this season ALL of my uniforms and headgear have reset to default. My weapon skins and charms are unaffected. This is about the 4th or 5th time since launch that i have had to reset all my operators and would like to know why this is happening and whether the uniforms are stored console side or server side because this is really annoying to pay for all these skins only to have to fix all 59 operators.
about 3 years ago - Ubi-Karl - Direct link
Hey Mandalorian Guy, thanks for reaching out and I am sorry to hear about the issue you've been dealing with, as I fully appreciate how frustrating this can.

As it stands, I can confirm that we did indeed receive a number of players contacting about this specific problem however our development team are having difficulties with reproducing this on our side, therefore if you do happen to be aware of any particular steps/actions you can take that leads to your loadouts being reset, let us know and we will ensure this information gets passed along for further review.

In the meantime, we do apologise about the inconvenience and as soon as we will have any further information, details will be posted here, in our official forums, so keep an eye.