The Y5S3.1 update contains primarily a backlog of bug fixes from the TS that did not make it in time for the season update.
In this update we will be removing the vote-to-kick feature from Quick Match (vote-to-kick was previously only available in Quick Match.)
We've been monitoring the use of vote-to-kick for the last seasons and have confirmed that it is indeed a highly abused feature used as a disruption tool and that it is considered by most to be a pain point in this playlist. Considering that it brings more tension to Quick Match, we decided to turn it off.
FIXED - Mismatched SFX when picking up a hard breach charge gadget.
FIXED - Operator shields will flip in first person POV after swapping out the shield and performing a melee attack.
FIXED - Various clipping/dynamic clipping issues.
FIXED - Various issues with assets/props on maps.
FIXED - Various LOD issues on maps.
FIXED - Various minor caster mode details.
FIXED - Various vault issues.
FIXED - Various vault issues on Chalet.
FIXED - Jukebox in 1F Bar on Chalet can be vaulted onto.
FIXED - Various drone collision issues on Chalet allowing drones to go OOB/OOW, or blocking drones.
FIXED - Defuser can't be picked up if dropped behind the boiler in B Main Garage on Chalet.
FIXED - Defuser can't be picked up if dropped in certain spots on Chalet after forcing collision.
FIXED - Defuser can't be picked up if dropped in a specific spot on EXT Helipad Trail of Chalet.
FIXED - Drones are not destroyed when thrown OOB on Chalet.
FIXED - Issues with Secure Area mode in 1F Fireplace on Chalet.
FIXED - Operator can go OOB by forcing collision in EXT Helipad Trail of Chalet.
FIXED - Players can't vault down to B Backyard stairs on Chalet.
FIXED - Potentially exploitable position on Chalet.
FIXED - Some gadgets float when attached to solarium windows on Chalet.
FIXED - The table in B Wine Cellar of Chalet can't be damaged by explosives.
FIXED - Sensitivity for Zero's Argus Camera on controllers is higher than intended.
FIXED - Inconsistent replication for Zero's Piercing Camera for players who have reconnected to the game
FIXED - Multiple damage decals from Zero's camera when deployed on certain surfaces.
FIXED - Visual issues with Zero's Argus Launcher reticule and crosshair while hipfiring and ADS, respectively.
FIXED - Zero's Argus Launcher crosshairs are not being affected by the disable state when inside Mute's jammer AOE.
FIXED - Zero's Piercing Camera can be deployed multiple times in the same spot.
FIXED - Zero's Piercing Camera floats if deployed on a barricade that later has its perimeter destroyed.
FIXED - Clash's shield animation can be stopped by pressing any spring/shoot buttons.
FIXED - When using Iana's Gemini, her 1.5x and 2.0x scopes will change to a different scope on the Gemini.
FIXED - Scopes are held closer to Nokk's face when prone when her HEL is active.
FIXED - ADS Sensitivity settings are not being saved after restarting on console.
FIXED - In custom matches, duplicate pings can occur when switching sides.
FIXED - Missing SFX while in support mode after dying.
FIXED - Various issues lost in-game voice chat functionality.
FIXED - Various issues with in-game voice chat.
FIXED - Various minor bugs in PvE.
FIXED - Various UI/HUD issues.
FIXED - Various visual cosmetic/shop issues.