Original Post — Direct link
Really sucks to be the one to get ddos'd, Now im banned, cant play, considered as a abandon, is there anyway to appeal this? I bet not?
This sucks, I had a spree with no abandons and now this.

Sad that you can ddos someone for acouple dollars now a days.

Any action UBI?

almost 4 years ago - UbiShoreman - Direct link
Originally Posted by LyfizMine
Trying to report anyone through that portal is ******ed, i tried multiple times and the site DOES NOT LET ME. The video uploads fine, "error" always.

Again, actions of UBI THAT SUPPORT this *******s.
Hey Lyf, that's odd. You're getting this error every time you try to try to upload videos? Have you checked with support about why this might be happening?
almost 4 years ago - UbiShoreman - Direct link
Originally Posted by LyfizMine
Yeah I spent 6 hours with support just to trow my phone into the wall.

How do I appeal these abandons that I got due to DDOS?
The only way to do it is through support. If you follow the provided instructions, you should just be able to open a ticket up. If you're having issues with uploading a ticket, there's not much we can do on our end, though support themselves should have more insight.
almost 4 years ago - UbiShoreman - Direct link
Originally Posted by TX_Sev_070
Got ddos'd, tried to report, the support site literally doesn't even let you file a report, tf?
Edit: if you file the report as a username report it will allow you to file it, but as of now you still can't report someone for cheating.
Hey TX! In what way is it "not allowing you" to report a DDoS as cheating? Is there an error code of some nature?
almost 4 years ago - UbiShoreman - Direct link
Originally Posted by LyfizMine
Lmfao, your report website does not even work.
Even more proof that UBI actually and literally SUPPORTS HACKS.
Hey Lyf, what's the issue you're having with our report website?
almost 4 years ago - UbiShoreman - Direct link
Originally Posted by TX_Sev_070
When selecting certain report options it doesn't show a button to send an email, it just says to send an email report with no button underneath it, however selecting some other reporting options will provide a "send an email" button.
Are you seeing that on any particular with consistency? DDoS, it seems, but any other ones?