Original Post — Direct link
We had a full squad, had 5 players. We have more than 10 ready to play. Wanted to invite them all to play, how do you do that? We want to play against each other and can't figure out how to invite a 2nd squad.
about 9 years ago - UbiEpi - Direct link
X1: To enter a custom match that is set to invite only, one user has to go in Dashboard -> friends tab and send a game invite to the desired player.

PS4/PC:The user that creates the custom match has to go into the Squad Menu and Invite Players from there. Please note that is imperative that the user is actually in the lobby for the custom match.

*We have noticed that there is a bug when inviting to an invite only match on PC. If you start the custom match with a 5 player squad, your friends will not get a notification. Start the custom match with a 4 player squad and then invite your friends once the match has been created.