Original Post — Direct link

Ok, I'm already used to you doing nothing for the benefit of the players and only interested in making money on silly things like skins.
But what the [censored] is going on that they have been going in for days on "training ground" and killing a hostage are reported and nothing happens.

And what will you do about it? Will they continue to kill and go unpunished because you don't care?

almost 2 years ago - Ubi-Chiral - Direct link

Hey @Baba5558

I understand your frustration. I have edited your post to remove the report information (as well as the offensive language) as we do not take player reports over the forums as this would be considered naming and shaming and is against the forum rules. In the future, be sure to report players in game when possible. If you're unable to report in game for some reason, you can report them by creating a case or using R6 Analyst.

Information on R6 Analyst can be found here:
