Original Post — Direct link
Been waiting on this day so lets start with this ur game is plaged with mouse and keyboards on consoles and you do nothing about well to day you will be think you should have check who yous were banning on ur forum

So hear is the deal yous have one week from to day to ban ever mouse and keyboarder on consoles or I start shopping about ur dirty secrets to ever gameing news out let about ever Ubisoft game I have ever beta tested or Alfa tested for you like glitchs that exited in ur games like crew 2 the devison 2 and brake point that was told to yous before the games were ever put out and it fell deff ears well yous broken the straw with banning me for standing up for the people who buy ur games and trust that yous will deal with cheats I have ever screen shot and corspndems about these problems and have video off them makeing in to the main game well Ubisoft ur time has come ither ban them or I shop ur dirty secrets about and show everyone what type off game compey yous really are ur reps all ready bad a nuff but as a long time rainbow player going back to the days of raven shield on pc I have stuck by yous but after this I will not stand for it to its time for player to take a stand and this is my stand
over 4 years ago - UbiMorning - Direct link
Hi Kenny, if you have any questions regarding moderation actions, please reach out through a DM.
Concerning MKB on Console, native support is disabled on our end. We suggest reaching out to the manufacturer's support team when reporting KBM usage. Thank you for your understanding.