Original Post — Direct link
My game server disconnected a few of my teammates (exactly 3) and 1 of the enemy player.
This happened once in a really long time but I did not get anything back.
I was really close to Plat 3, and at 4-4 in the last 30 seconds, we won the game, the game disconnected us before we won, and 3 of us in the game (who were premades) got a 30 minute penalty, with minus MMR rating. It was fully server sided.
May I ask for my MMR to be added back to our accounts? Please review the game on this account: Hallod.JANISENT

Thank you for your help.
over 3 years ago - Ubi-Wan - Direct link
Hello there, Hallod.JANISENT. First, I'd like to start by saying that support cannot adjust rank, MMR or match history. With this in mind, if you experience these disconnections frequently, I highly advise you complete the steps found within this FAQ, to clear your connection to our servers.