Original Post — Direct link
Title. I play Siege with my monitor's native resolution (1920x1080, fullscreen) and since about 2 days ago Siege keeps tabbing me out to either my desktop or Chrome. After tabbing out for 3-4 times, the game simply goes into windowed mode after which it doesn't tab out anymore.

I'm pretty sure that it isn't a background process interfering as I have done some troubleshooting with WindowsFocusLogger and I also followed the Ubisoft guide on how to stop background app interference (booting windows with startup item loading disabled), and I also don't think it's a problem with my specs as I could run the game on High perfectly fine with ~140 fps.

The game functions fine in borderless windowed but I'd rather run the game in fullscreen to increase performance as my game stutters a bit in borderless windowed.

I wanted to post this on the forums first before submitting a ticket, as I thought there might be an easy solution that I've missed.
about 5 years ago - UbiCovah - Direct link
Hey, Dr.Blastmaster!

Sorry to hear that you are experiencing issues adjusting your game resolution and setting to full screen. What happens when you hit ALT + ENTER on the keyboard when you're in-game? Does it set the game to full screen properly? Have you tried changing the resolution and refresh rate on borderless/windowed mode to see if that resolves the issue?

If you continue to have trouble with this, try deleting your .ini file for Siege. You can locate this by going to C:\Users\\Documents\My Games\Rainbow Six - Siege\\GameSettings.ini​​ and deleting the file "GameSettings.ini"​​. The game will automatically create another file for you when you launch the game again.

If none of this helps, please update case 10380174 with the results so that a specialist can assist further. Apologies for the inconvenience.
