Original Post — Direct link

The amount of players using Kronuses and DDOS attacking casual and legimate players is ridiculous. This games ranked matches are a joke and just absolutely pituful that even a game such as Fortnite has managed to ban the usage of the cheating hardware know as Kronuses. I would expect a large company such as Ubisoft to be better suited in actually dealing with these cheaters instead of just letting the game sit and burn.

almost 2 years ago - Ubi-Clem - Direct link

Hey there, and welcome to Discussions.

I can only appreciate the interest you show in the game by the will of having a fair and enjoyable environment to play in (as we do).

DDOS attacks have been a serious subject since a while back. By the time, we shared our strategies to tackle this issue. Even if the article we shared appears to be outdated, I can assure you that we work hard to reduce the occurrences.
If you are yourself witnessing an attack, we would greatly appreciate if you could report it to our one-to-one channels, so it can be forwarded to the team that will be able to take actions against it, and learn from it as well.
