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should we get all the maps avaliable in quick match?

i feel since we now have unranked and the newcomer playlist that there is space for learning and practice for the competative player base.

Having all the maps in the Quick Playlist could now be feasable, unless there is sagnificant issues with a specific map. (based on metrics not player opinion)

i like that house got reballanced for fun i hope this continues and becomes a trend
over 4 years ago - UbiYubble - Direct link
Originally Posted by MaybeSleepy_.
I was looking forward to see skyscraper on steel wave quick match maps. Damn shame we can't play the original before the rework...
The Quick Match map pool will rotate three times during Steel Wave, so it's possible you'll see it again before Y5S3!
over 4 years ago - UbiMorning - Direct link
Originally Posted by trt1230
Can you let us know why rotating is still a thing? Like, no one supports it. No one complains about there being too many maps. Everyone wants the full map selection reinstated. It’s been talked / moaned / ranted about for months. So why does Ubisoft not heed what we are asking for?
The primary reason for the rotation system currently is to help with resources allocated to Quality Checking updates as well as working on reworks. We are definitely well aware of the want for full map selection and have been continuing to pass this along to the dev team in our reports.
However, the main thing to understand is it benefits updates to be processed quicker so hotfixes and other content can come out on schedule. For example, if we were to keep old House in rotation back when the team was working on the rework (pre-the current rotation), the team would have to process changes both on old House and new House, which takes up extra development resources and time. Instead, to keep the process organized, it would be beneficial to only have to process changes on the newer version since the older version is being replaced. It wouldn't require an extra build, but it would cause the current build to be complicated and cause production to slow down in order to address every single map variation, in addition to causing the current game size to be larger than it is currently.
over 4 years ago - UbiMorning - Direct link
But didn't Siege start out with full map access? Wasn't map rotation only implemented in years 3-4? Wouldn't it be an easy matter for them to UN-do what they did, and restore full map access?
There also weren't as many maps in the beginning of the game or as many operators. I apologize if I'm not being clear enough on how the system is integral to the development process of updates and why it is not easy for them to just add all the maps back in.

"to help with resources allocated to Quality Checking updates"
Trying to speak with all due respect but - what does that even mean? I'm trying to parse that into something we can all understand. As phrased, it both confuses and bores the reader (which may have been the whole point).
Quality Check means like QA work. Testing for game-breaking issues with added changes and resolving them prior to launch. Updates refers to anything from large seasonal patches to smaller hotfixes. Any change made to the game needs to be put through a series of tests to ensure there are no major risks or issues with implementing the change.
As I went on to say later in my post with my example, this allows the development team to have a smaller group of maps to test various changes on. It makes it easier to process updates faster because they have fewer maps to process changes with. It also prevents duplicate changes on various map formats. There is also the added risk where one change may work properly on one variation of a map but completely break another map. Limiting the number of playable maps prevents this from happening on top of making the process shorter. Reworks are not why it hasn't been reverted. It is a matter of simplifying the development cycle for updates and allowing the team to maximize their ability to push updates out on time.

In addition, reworks are not stopping. Reworks are important towards the overall game's health in terms of balance/fairness. I know the knee jerk reaction is to say that map reworks are only for competitive players, which is not true. For example, House was 100% designed with more casual players in mind. The map is not currently thought of as a Ranked map, hence why it's not in the Ranked map pool. Reworks are supposed to make maps more balanced for both Attacking and Defending teams on all skill levels. This may mean it can make certain sites easier/feel simpler or it can add an interesting element to twist current meta strats.
I can see this being done with the recent changes to Kids Room on House by adding the extra connecting rooms and removing the extra windows that were on old Kids Bedroom. Reinforcing Kids Bedroom was considered a meme in the community as it was difficult to hold on sight because of how many openings it had. It was not a fun site to hold for defenders. Another example would be the Stacked sight on House. This was a site that was difficult to approach as an Attacker, as there were several areas defenders could easily anchor down and deny plants, especially on the 1st floor. Both of these sites are considered unbalanced in various ways and are unfun to play in general.
I know some players have made some threads about their concerns with recent reworks, and the team does appreciate that feedback being shared so it can be improved on in the future -- especially when it is brought up during the TTS. My understanding is a lot of the negative feedback around map reworks has to do with aesthetics of the map, rather than balancing problems. I know a few of you have mentioned that certain maps don't "feel like real buildings" anymore. I don't entirely understand how this applies to both the recent House and Oregon, as both feel like solid buildings. I suppose it would be important to remember the lore of the game is technically a training simulation, so these buildings are meant as props and not houses people actually live in.
over 4 years ago - UbiMorning - Direct link
Originally Posted by Slyrr7
Alas. You're quite right. It's not clear to us (at least not to me). All we know is this cold reality: Game content which was originally in the game, and which we paid money for, is now gone. And that more of the original game content will continue to be removed and replaced with 'reworked' content, which we don't enjoy, because it includes losing more of the maps we did enjoy.

Based on this, I don't expect the downward statistical trend of Siege to change. You're right. I don't understand it at all. My apologies
If you would like, I would appreciate it if you could create a new thread or find an existing thread regarding the specifics of what you dislike about the House rework in particular. Concrete constructive feedback helps the team adapt and improve.
I understand you are obviously sentimental for early Siege and appear to enjoy the older maps. I also understand you don't feel like you are playing the game you once enjoyed. However, I think it is important to understand that most games' directions tend to expand from the original idea. The team firmly believes that the changes we have implemented in the past are beneficial to the overall health of the community and to the growth of Siege.
As of right now, the map rotation system will continue to be in the game, however, it will rotate more now to help bring variety in true fashion. In addition, we currently don't have plans to return night variations of maps nor non-reworked variations of maps into the rotation system due to balancing and the aforementioned benefit to the development process.