Original Post — Direct link
So much for trying to enjoy multiplayer at a low level in R6!

What I feared has immediately occurred. The playlist designed to help us new folks learn and play has become a haven for smurfs to decimate us game after game. TK-ing and general fish in a barrel seems to be the mainstay in this new format. As a new player (less than 20 hours so far in MP) I get to wait 40-50 seconds in queue only to either be dropped by a team mate for actually being a noob or go against a team comprised solely of silver+ ranks in disguise.

At least deactivate TK/friendly fire in this format to dissuade the trolls. I dont think we can do anything about individuals who believe they have to pound on new players to feel good about themselves.
almost 4 years ago - UbiShoreman - Direct link
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