Original Post — Direct link

Hello there!

My game is going smooth when I play unranked.
But as soon as I start playing ranked, its starting to lag and freeze up to 5 sec.
I have tried I everything. I have tried:
Uninstalling the game, installing it on a other driver, run it as admin, tried to repair it.
But nothing helps.So im hoping I will be able to find the way here.

In advanced, thank you

almost 2 years ago - Ubi-Havoc - Direct link

Hey @ImJasko I'm sorry to hear about this freezing once you get into ranked, and appreciate your rundown of what you've checked into so far! I am interested in you mentioning this happening only in ranked matches. Do you lag in any menus after you join a ranked match, or as soon as you load into the map? Are you able to play smoothly up until you start to see enemy players or does the game start to stutter even when you're not interacting with anyone or anything else?

If you are seeing high ping or latency/connection lost symbols as well I would suggest trying our guide here.