Original Post — Direct link
Not the first time this has happen. Thought it was fixed with last update. Never happened. Why is this a happening ?
over 3 years ago - Ubi-Milky - Direct link
Hello there londonramsey_26, thank you for getting in contact with us about this issue.

First of all, can you please make sure the drive you have the game installed to has enough space on your console to save any future updates of the game.

This issue is caused by a corrupted local save, whilst we have been unable to fix this permanently for players, we can provide a workaround of replacing the corrupted file with a new save, to help stop loadouts resetting after customization.

To resolve this issue, you will need to delete your local save files from your console, whether you ar eplaying on Xbox or PlayStation.

Deleting this file will reset the settings, loadouts and Situation progress, so you will have to set up settings and customisation options.

You will not lose your level, MMR, renown, R6 credits, operators or season pass content.