I've just recently started playing Siege and I've run into an issue; my computer crashes every time I run it. (well what actually happens is the game crashes and I'm able to rejoin and then my whole PC crashes). I've tried booting from Ubisoft instead of Steam, booting from the .exe as admin, updating drivers, un and reinstalling... nothing is helping. Up to this point I've managed to log back in quick enough most times to avoid penalty. This time I was not quick enough and I've incurred a two day suspension. Is there a way I can submit an appeal or dispute the ban? I understand the server thinks I'm just going AFK but that's not that case.
Additionally, if anyone has anyone has any clue as to how to prevent the game from crashing and destroying my computer I would be eternally grateful.
I've tried posting in the Siege subreddit but my posts is audodeleted for some reason.
I just wanna play Siege man it's been so fun thus far.....