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I just played against a guy who i will not name, who was DIAMOND ranked.

i've blurred his name out in the screenshot below, however I want to say something about my experience tonight with this DIAMOND player.

1st round he HS every player on our team, a couple through walls. At the end of the round he openly admitted he was using hacks and said because everyone nowadays used hacks he thought he would use his first before we all turned our so called hacks on. He went on to say he was an ESL player and that all ESL players use hacks like this. it's the norm.

Is this the case? because now I am gold 3 i am starting to think that I should put the game down and wait for better counter measures?

I did actually just report this guy to support so lets see what they say.

On another note, in game I asked the players on his team to vote him off because he was an obvious hacker. Unfortunately and sad to see that they ignored our requests and what makes it worse is right at the end of the game they pretty much said tough, it was the norm.

Is this the kind of behaviour we should accept? a hacker who openly admits to hacking and a team who has the power to remove this hacker but USES him to get the win?

Are the team players on his team breaking the code of conduct as well knowing they are playing along side a hacker?

If i come across a hacker who openly admits and brags about it then I will vote him off like everyone should. and if he doesnt get voted off i will tk him.

Anyway, here's the outcome of that game with the Diamond player who openly admitted on chat to using hacks right at the end of the 1st round.

almost 4 years ago - UbiShoreman - Direct link
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