over 4 years ago - UbiYubble - Direct link
There definitely has been an increase of Vote to Kick abuse unfortunately. The dev team has been made aware of this and are looking at additional ways to combat toxicity in our game.

If any of you have suggestions, please don't hesitate to share!
over 4 years ago - UbiYubble - Direct link
Originally posted by Stormy:
Originally posted by UbiYubble: There definitely has been an increase of Vote to Kick abuse unfortunately. The dev team has been made aware of this and are looking at additional ways to combat toxicity in our game.

If any of you have suggestions, please don't hesitate to share!

Disallow parties of four or five to initiate kick?

This might be something to look at. Unfortunately, 4 and 3 stacks are usually the ones who Vote To Kick players who aren't in their stack. I'm not sure why it's a thing since it brings them down a teammate, but it's a thing apparently.

I wonder what others would think of this!